How this fire be invisible?

 How methanol fire is invisible?

Methanol, also known as wood alcohol or methyl alcohol, is a colorless liquid with a faintly sweet alcohol odor. The chemical is fully soluble in water, and is readily biodegradable in both water and soil. Vapors of methanol are slightly heavier than air, and may travel some distance to a source of igniti on and fl ash back. Accumulati ons of vapors in confi ned spaces may explode if ignited, and containers fi lled with methanol may rupture violently if exposed to fi re or excessive heat for a prolonged durati on. Direct exposure to methanol should be avoided as methanol can be harmful if swallowed, absorbed through the skin, or inhaled. Ingesti on of as litt le as one to four ounces can cause irreversible injury to the nervous system, blindness or death. When properly contained and handled, methanol can be a safe and eff ecti ve product for a wide range of applications.


The U.S. Department of Transportati on regulates methanol as a Class 3 Flammable Liquid, with a subsidiary risk as a Class 6.1 Toxic Material. Soluti ons of methanol containing up to 74% water are classifi ed as fl ammable. Compared with gasoline, methanol spills are harder to ignite, burn at a slower rate, and with less heat intensity. Methanol vapors must be four ti mes more concentrated in air than gasoline vapor for igniti on to occur. Each year, about 16,000 Americans are exposed to post-crash fi res in cars and other light-duty vehicles, resulti ng in hundreds of fataliti es. According to the U.S. Environmental Protecti on Agency a switch to methanol fuel would reduce the number of automoti ve fuel related fi res by 90% compared with gasoline, saving hundreds of lives each year. Methanol fl ames are almost invisible in bright sunlight conditi ons, but they may be detected by the heat generated or the burning of other materials. Large amounts of water will remove heat and can be eff ecti ve in diluti ng methanol to the point where most fi res can be readily exti nguished. To prevent fi res keep open fl ames, sparks and oxidants away from methanol. For over three decades, methanol has been the fuel of choice for Indianapolis-type racecars in part because of its superior fi re safety characteristi cs. When an INDY car pulls into the pit with an engine fi re, pit crews simply pour water on the racecar, and the driver gets back into the race (see photos). Dry chemical powder, carbon dioxide and alcohol-resistant foam exti nguish methanol fi res by oxygen deprivati on. Firefi ghters should use full-face, selfcontained breathing apparatus, and wear impervious clothing, gloves and boots. For larger fi res involving a tank, rail car or tank truck, isolate for ½ mile in all directi ons, also consider evacuati on for ½ mile in all directi ons. Keep any methanol containers cool by spraying with water.


As a fl ammable and toxic chemical, cauti on must be exercised to avoid contact with methanol. At all ti mes, avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of methanol vapors. Methanol should always be kept within closed systems or approved containers. Symptoms of acute methanol exposure may include headache, weakness, drowsiness, nausea, diffi cult breathing, drunkenness, eye irritati on, blurred vision, loss of consciousness, and possibly death. Pati ents may improve and then get worse again up to 30 hours later. In case of methanol contact with skin, remove contaminated clothing, wash with soap and water for 15 minutes, and seek medical att enti on if irritati on occurs. If methanol comes in direct contact with eyes, immediately fl ush eyes with copious amounts of tepid water for at least 15 minutes. The pati ent should be taken to a health care facility and referral to an ophthalmologist considered. In case of inhalati on of methanol vapors, remove individual to fresh air. Asphyxiati on from vapors may require arti fi cial respirati on. Ingesti on of methanol is life threatening. Onset of symptoms may be delayed for 18 to 24 hours aft er ingesti on. If pati ent is conscious, immediately give two glasses of water and induce vomiti ng. Do not make an unconscious person vomit. Transport immediately to a health care facility where standard methanol ingesti on treatment can be administered.

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